Touchscreen Application:
XJET Touch Interactive application is designed around VR set, which was cleverly re-purposed to create non-VR interactive application.
Constantly running animation represents various phases of XJET 3D printing process - where each phase can be selected from the main menu.
Features and Advantages:
Pre-defined camera takes you to the selected phase of printing, which can than be viewed from various view-points. In a way - this application acts as non-stop video of the process - with possibility to view the scene from any angle.
Result is an impressive and powerful selling tool, enabling marketing and sales people to interactively show anything they wish in the process, all while having live dialogue with clients/customers!
Using this application had to be super-intuitive, and due to the frequent use - various on-screen options had to be obvious and available all times.
How it was used:
Due to the marketing secrecy and insane development speeds - sales and marketing people of XJET - saw this application for the first time - only on the first day of RAPID - main 3D printing exhibition - that took place in April 2018. in Munich, Germany.
XJET hosts managed to learn and master the app in minutes, and then extensively use it during the exhibition days.
XJET managed to close many valuable sales deals, win another potential investor and few significant partners and distribution agreements.