This is the short documentary covering this first public Rocket Racing League Show - presented at ''QuikTrip - Air and Rocket Racing Show'' in Tulsa, Arizona, on 10th of April 2010.
Rocket Racing League was imagined as cross-media event, where both pilots and the audience - would be able to share and see ''Virtual Raceway'' in the sky.
After creating the initial concepts and various solutions, I was tasked by founder and CEO of RRL - to assists multi-disciplinary teams involved in Rocket Racing League Event, to integrate various complex solutions into the complex systam that will provide giant ''Augmented Reality'' for live audiences.
By applying multi-disciplinary knowhow and proprietary QA process to the problem, I managed to isolate significant ''bugs'' that were influencing misalignment of real and virtual worlds.
In extremely tensed atmosphere, and difficult remote co-working setup between 4 locations - our team managed to re-claibrate and re-connect all components affecting synchronization of real and virtual ''worlds'' - only days before the event.
Show was the Premiere demonstration of Rocket Racing League concept, which represents the World's First Participatory multi-disciplinary AR Sport, where real-world jet-powered air-crafts speed through the virtual raceway in the sky.
Our advanced concept and demo assisted RRL in winning an additional $6 millions in funds.
Created and narrated by legendary Miles O'Brien - this clip intended for news editorial - was later customized for RRL's promotion, and recently re-mastered from NTSC to HD and 4K.

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