Commissioned by Petro Art Productions - my team and I were tasked to make interpretation of 2D layouts and plans - into full-scale 3D artwork - with focus on visualizing stone structure layout as well as it's look & feel.
Project contained complexity that was much higher than predicted by the leads of the project, and many issues that were unresolved or even undefined by plans - we had to gradually resolve with an entire team - using - at first - 2D sketches and some rough 3D models, which later progressed into more elaborate 3D models and visualizations - used to their full extent as the primary communication tool.
Teams made realizations of some problems only when we were able to see them if full 3D - in their depth and volume.
The very first draft of the visualization - created for only one section of the large location - assisted winning additional funds to the project.
As the process progressed, many decisions that were made thanks to 3D visualization - helped to avoid very costly mistakes that would have been made in real-world constrution.

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