Project Monolith:
Code-named MONOLITH while in the stealth mode, this project pre-dated Apple's iPhone in creating UX and UI for the very first Touch-Screen Interface for Mobile Phone device.

The Challenge:
Eli Reifman's and Nascent Group's initiative - was led by Roy Yogev, producer of the project. Roy approached me with specific challenge: Assist enhancement of UX via creating real-time-render-based previs that will validate UI concepts, functionality, and interaction design in real-time 3D.
Rigging Motion-Builder's real-time 3D with the streaming FLASH-based functional UI - enabled me to convey the accurate look & feel presentation of how will phone function, look, and feel when created.

We were able to showcase smartphone's prototype in full functionality, while interactively choosing camera angles and motion that highlights main set of UI features in action.
Observing UI in action within physical context of phone in three dimensions - enabled enhancements in UX - and creation of improved final versions of UI and kick-ass presentation video.
Project was commissioned by Emblaze via Nascent Group.